Kasper heard a knock on his door. He was initially confused, as it wasn’t even seven yet and he didn’t know who’d be visiting so early. His confusion only increased when he opened the door and came face to face with…
The Kasper inside the house blinked. The visiting Kasper smiled.
“Hello.” The arrival said warmly. “May I come in?”
Kasper stood aside as the arrival entered and took a seat on the couch.
“I’m sure you’re a bit confused.” The arrival said.
“Yeah…” Kasper said, closing the door. “Who are you?”
“ You already know who I am… But I suppose you’re wondering why I’m here.”
Kasper took a seat, eyes locked on the arrival.
The arrival was perfectly copied, down to the slight scar over his left eyebrow.
“I am you.” The arrival said. “More specifically, I am the amalgamation of your memories, personality traits, and appearance perfectly copied and uploaded into an android, courtesy of the XRok Corporation.”
Upon hearing the name, Kasper pulled out his phone. The XRok interface popped to life and gave him the option to search through his old photos, videos, posts, interactions, travel routes… It recorded everything he saw, recorded everything that happened to him, and stored it in cyberspace. It compiled so much data he never bothered going back and looking at his media-feed; the exception being specific memories he wished to mark as ‘private’.
Kasper looked at his phone, then up at his Doppleganger.
“Yes, that XRok.” The arrival said. “The long and short of it is that when you signed up for the network, you agreed to certain provisions. One of them involves your public behavior.”
Kasper blinked again.
The arrival sighed… Sighed in the same way Kasper would when he was frustrated. “Do you remember your actions at The Green Pig Pub two days ago?”
Kasper did not in fact remember… He remembered visiting the place, but after a few drinks the night became a haze of nausea and swirling lights. He opened his phone and the XRok app, reading his brainwaves, immediately flipped to the media from the night in question.
He gasped at his behavior.
“You see the problem.” The new Kasper said.
“Oh my god.” The original Kasper groaned, growing red. “I’m such an ass.”
The arrival nodded. “That’s why I’m here. XRok cares about its users and its advertisers, and we intend to maintain a certain image… An image you violated. We’ve decided not to terminate your account outright, but have instead placed you on probation for 90 days.”
A cold shiver ran down Kasper’s spine. “P-Probation?”
The arrival nodded. “I will be taking over your life, shoring up some of your relationships, helping you at work, and generally cleaning up the mess you’ve made… Meanwhile you’ll be sent to an XRok facility to undergo behavioral therapy.”
“What if I refuse?” Kasper asked.
The new Kasper frowned. “If you do, all your accounts with XRok and its subsidiaries will be canceled. You bank with OneDollar, right?”
Kasper nodded.
“OneDollar is owned by XRok. Your account will be terminated. These apartments are owned by Journey’s Edge Estates, yes?”
Kasper nodded again.
“Also owned by XRok. Your lease will be terminated. You work for the Mark and Fields Engineering Firm?”
This time Kasper barely moved. He didn’t answer. He didn’t have to. XRok had all his information… Where he banked, where he lived, where he worked… And they owned all those institutions. He knew the line of questioning was a mere formality in order to reinforce how much he had to lose.
“Your employment will end, should you refuse our ultimatum.”, the arrival said.
Kasper stared at his phone, frowning. The arrival stood, walked over, and held out his hand.
“Don’t worry.” The arrival smiled. “I hear behavioral therapy is incredibly relaxing.”
With no real choice Kasper handed his phone over to the android, who took it, pocketed it, and led the original to a nearby chair.
“Your ride should be here in twenty minutes. Please, have a seat. I’ll get you some water and a healthy snack.”
Kasper wanted a beer, but was afraid of how that would appear to XRok.
“Thanks.” He stammered.
The new Kasper beamed. “See? That kind of politeness will take you far in behavior camp!”